2nd Week of March
Last week we celebrated World Book Day in Key Stage 3 classes, where students created ‘Rivers of Reading’ to reflect their personal journey with reading and the reading that is important to them. Students have handed in their work this week and the Leadership Team have been busy judging the entries - which will be announced next week. It has been wonderful to see the effort that students have put into these projects and learn more about our students through these personal pieces of work. The quality of the work has been exceptional - and it is going to be very difficult to pick a winner!
World Book Day celebrations also continued over into this week with a visit from the author Graham Scott. Graham worked with students across Key Stage 3 classes delivering writing workshops. He commented on numerous occasions on the excellent behaviour and engagement of our students. It was a wonderful opportunity to talk about the power of reading and writing and discuss the huge variety of careers that require writing skills. We hope that those students who purchased Graham Scott’s books enjoy reading them - perhaps a future book for discussion at Book Club?
Students were also fortunate enough this week to be visited by Elliot Stammers, a former Glyn student now working in film production. In a special assembly for each Year group students were able to listen to Elliot’s own journey into the film industry and consider the opportunities available to them if they are interested in pursuing a similar pathway.
It has been a fantastic week for creative opportunities for our students and I am sure it has given lots of ‘food for thought’ for future career aspirations.
Miss S Lindley, Acting Assistant Headteacher