Glyn School - Employers Careers Presentation: A Fantastic Opportunity for Our Students
We are excited to share that today, students from Years 7 to 11 had the incredible opportunity to attend an Employers Careers Presentation delivered by a former Glyn School student now working at DNEG, a leading visual effects and animation company. The presentation was both informative and inspiring, providing students with valuable insights into the world of animation and film production.
The presentation was exceptionally well-received by the students, who were captivated by the behind-the-scenes look at how animated films are created. Our former student shared their personal journey, outlining the skills and qualifications needed to succeed in such a dynamic industry. This not only sparked curiosity but also encouraged our students to consider how their current studies can pave the way for future careers.
One key takeaway from the session was the emphasis on the importance of school and qualifications. Our guest speaker highlighted how critical subjects like maths and foreign languages are in opening doors to a wide range of careers, particularly in industries like animation and film production. It was a powerful reminder that the effort our students put into their studies now will directly influence their future opportunities.
Employer Careers Presentations are an invaluable part of our Careers Programme at Glyn School. They provide our students with real-world insights into the skills and qualifications needed to pursue a variety of careers and industries. We believe that these events help make the connection between school and future employment, showing students how the subjects they are studying can shape their careers.
We are eager to continue offering such opportunities to our students and are keen to involve parents and carers in this vital aspect of our Careers Programme. If you are interested in supporting us, whether through offering a presentation or sharing your expertise with our students, we would love to hear from you. Please contact Ms. K. Jones at for more information or to express your interest in getting involved.
Thank you for your ongoing support in helping us to provide our students with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed in the future.
Glyn School Careers Team