The GLF complaints procedure is intended to be a good practice guide that will apply to most general complaints received by the Trust’s schools. The aim of this procedure is to seek a resolution to a complaint in a sympathetic and efficient way and restore positive relationships and confidence of parents and pupils.
In the case of parental complaints the aim is to arrive at a resolution that is in the best interests of their child whilst taking into account the interests and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities of all children or pupils in the school.
The Trust treats all complaints seriously and parents and/or students will never be made to feel that raising a concern/complaint will adversely affect the student's future at the school, or place the student at a disadvantage in any way.
Glyn School will try to resolve every concern, difficulty or complaint in a positive way with the aim of putting right a matter which may have gone wrong and, where necessary, reviewing the School’s systems and procedures in the light of the matters raised.
The School expects that most concerns and difficulties, where a Parent, Carer or Student seeks intervention, reconsideration or some other action to be taken, can be resolved informally.
If an issue has not been resolved to the satisfaction of the complainant, please refer to the following: