GLF Schools

GLF Schools

GLF Schools was founded in 2012 in order to enable the federation of Glyn School (an academy in 2011) and Danetree Junior School. Together, we began our journey to become a MAT of more than 1000 talented staff working with over 10,000 children in 40 schools across 5 regions in southern England.

Our Schools

Banbury Region

Banstead Region

Berkshire & Hampshire Region

Caterham Region

Crawley Region

Didcot Region

Epsom Region

London Boroughs

Redhill Region

Sunbury & Camberley Region

Curriculum Organisation - All Key Stages

The basic features of the school’s curriculum follow the guidance outlined in the Academies Funding Agreement. It ensures that a broad and balanced curriculum is provided to our students, incorporating English, Maths and Science qualifications along with the provision of Philosophy, Religion and Ethics  at Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 and with regard for guidance on relationship and sex education issued by the Secretary of State.  

The broad context of the students attending Glyn School means we believe that our curriculum should be financially sustainable and shaped in a way that is right for our students. To this end, our curriculum balances a core curriculum aligned with our values, alongside students’ freedom to choose what is right for them. Curriculum allocation and mapping supports outcomes in English, Maths and Science, which significantly impact on the life opportunities of young people. Teaching contact time in these subject areas reflects this.

Curriculum Delivery at each Key Stage

There are three points in the seven-year journey that students make subject choices: From Year 7 into 8 (MFL only); from Year 9 into 10 and from Year 11 into 12. Whilst for pastoral and logistical reasons we still refer to the three key stages separately, when it comes to the curriculum, we have moved away from thinking about it in separate chunks, instead subjects are mapped across the entire seven years (or shorter where relevant for example some subjects only offered at GCSE and A Level).

There are three points in the seven-year journey that students make subject choices:

From Year 8 into 9 (MFL only); from Year 9 into 10 and from Year 11 into 12. Whilst for pastoral and logistical reasons we still refer to the three key stages separately, when it comes to the curriculum, we have moved away from thinking about the curriculum in separate key stages, instead subjects are mapped across the entire seven years (or shorter where relevant for example some subjects are only offered at GCSE and A Level) as a learning journey.

Key Stage 3 September 2024

Key Stage 3

At Key Stage Three, all students experience a broad range of subjects. Students are taught in mixed ability groups in all subjects, with the exception of Design Technology. Design & Technology is taught on a carousel and the students study different Design Technology topics every half-term. 


Subject Hours in Year 7 Hours in Year 8 Hours in Year 9
English 6 6 6
Maths  7 7 7
Science 7 7 9
Geography and History 3 3 3
Philosophy, Religion and Ethics 1 2 1
Languages (French and Spanish) 6 5 4
Art, Music, Drama and Computing 2 2 2
Design Technology 3 3 3
Physical Education 5 5 5
PSHCE 1 1 1

Key Stage 4 for Students Studying GCSE from September 2024

Key Stage 4

Subject Hours in Year 10 Hours in Year 11
English 8 9
Maths 8 8
Science 11 10
Option Subjects 5 x 4 5 x 4
Philosophy, Religion and Ethics & PSHCE 1 1
Core Physical Education 2 2

At Key Stage 4, all students are required to study a core programme which comprises of:

  • English Language
  • English Literature
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • A Humanities (History or Geography)
  • A Language (French or Spanish)
  • Core PE (Games) – non-examined
  • Core Religious Studies – non-examined
  • PSHCE (Form time and timetabled lesson in Year 9, 10 and 11)

For Science: we offer the Combined Science GCSEs which are worth two GCSEs and Triple Science which is three separate GCSEs in Biology, Chemistry or Physics.  All students in Year 10 will be taught the same Science curriculum, common to both Combined and Triple specifications for Term 1.  Through consultation with teachers, students, Parents and Carers, and based on robust and rigorous assessments, students will then continue their programme of study for Years 10 and 11 based on either the Combined or Triple specifications.  

Whilst we recognise the benefits of our curriculum offer, we appreciate that studying a language is not always suitable and for a small number of students we do have an additional pathway which removes the language choice from the core and replaces it with a more coursework led qualification

PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Economic Education), interleaved with PRE (Philosophy, Religion and Ethics), is delivered as a 1-hour lesson across Years 7-11 as of September 2023, which reflects the value that these subjects have in promoting Glyn values and students’ personal development. This breadth of GCSEs ensures that all Glyn students are equipped to navigate the challenges faced by young people in today’s society.

In Key Stage Four students are taught in ability groups for the core subjects of Mathematics and Science, and the remaining subjects are taught in mixed ability groups.

The EBacc

Our Key Stage Four curriculum offer is based on the principle of student choice. Each year we gather data on the destinations of our students; this has consistently indicated the significant majority choose to go on to further education. To this end, when completing the GCSE option process, we ensure a journey which sees the majority of students take the EBacc range of subjects. This breadth of academic study prepares them for the rigours of further education which most of them will subsequently choose.

Within this, the majority of students will take a language at GCSE. We place great value in taking a Language at GCSE, because of the opportunities that such a qualification can give a young person upon leaving school. Moreover, research shows that taking a Language at GCSE, can also help improve a young person’s performance in English and Maths. To support this further, students’ study both languages in years 7 and 8 but will specialise in one language in year 9. This allows them to explore both languages first and then build confidence in one leading up to their GCSE in Year 10.

Furthermore, increasingly, our students also move on to apprenticeships and in some cases employment. Maintaining a breadth of choice for all students is essential. By choosing the EBacc route or a BTEC subject, we keep a diverse range of qualifications and opportunities open for all our students. 

Key Stage 5

All A Levels and BTECs have 9 hours of contact time per fortnight. EPQ, as the only AS Level, has 4 hours per fortnight.GCSE re-take English and Maths have 6 hours per fortnight.

The Year 12 curriculum is structured such that students will study three optional subjects (either A Levels or BTECs) with the possibility of taking an additional AS Extended Project Qualification. In Year 13 the majority of students will continue to study three subjects to attain full Level 3 qualifications. 

As in earlier years, we deliver a structured programme of personal, social, citizenship, health and economic (PSCHE) education, as well as Independent Advice and Guidance (careers and UCAS), through Form Time activities, Year assemblies and within the programmes of study of relevant subjects. We offer a post 16 curriculum that has a range of academic and vocational courses to suit the needs of the wide range of students that we serve.

Sixth Form Prospectus and Entry Criteria