Frequently Asked Questions
Is it hard in the first few weeks?
There will be some differences between Primary and Secondary school when you first move up, however you should not worry too much about it; you will find your way around quickly and it should not take long for you to get used to how Glyn School works. Mrs Regan and your Form Tutor are here to support you and if you are finding it hard please make sure you go and speak to them.
What will happen if I lose something?
If you lose something, go to Student Reception, before school, during break time or after school, where we have a lost property box for stray items get handed in. Please make sure that you name all of your items (including uniform) as this makes it much easier for us to ensure anything you lose is returned to you.
What happens if I forget my homework on the day I need it?
We would not recommend ever forgetting your homework, however if you do then you could get a warning from your teacher the first time and possibly on subsequent occasions a detention. If you fail to do your homework because of a good reason (e.g. illness) come in with a signed note from your Parent or Carer explaining the situation
How long will it take me to find my way around?
It does not take a long time for you to find your way around and teachers will be understanding if you are slightly late for your lessons in your first few weeks. If you are lost around the school, feel free to ask someone for assistance and they will be happy to help.
Can I bring a mobile phones into school?
You are allowed to bring phones to school, however you do so at your own risk and they must be switched off in your bag. You are not allowed to have them out during lessons unless a teacher has specifically allowed. Other than this, mobile phones must not be used at any time whilst on the school site. If a student is seen with their phone out, it will be confiscated as per our Mobile Phones Policy Procedure.
Will I need to bring my P.E or Games kit to school on the first day of the academic year?
No, you will not do PE or Games on your first day.
Which language will I study?
In Year 7 and 8 you will study French and Spanish.
How many pieces of Homework do you get in a week?
Over a week you can expect homework for Maths and English. Other subjects will set self-quizzing work, where you review what you know, remember, understand, and can do by self-quizzing on the knowledge and skills you have covered in lessons.
When will I find out which House I am in?
Students will find out which House they are in on the main Induction Day.
Are you allowed to wear trainers?
Trainers are not part of the daily Glyn School uniform. If you are injured and need to wear trainers, you will be required to have a signed note from Parents or Carers which must be shown to your Head of Year, anything longer than one day will need medical proof from a professional.
How long are lessons?
Lessons are 60 minutes in length.
What clubs are there for Year 7?
There are a huge range of clubs that Year 7 students can take part in. Below is a list of some of the clubs we had on offer this year:
• Sporting Clubs - football, rugby, basketball, badminton, cricket, athletics and table tennis
• Drama
• Music
• Science
• Maths
• Lego
• Computing
What happens if I am late to a lesson?
On your first day, you will be given a map of the school and teachers will be understanding if you are slightly late for your lessons. However, they will expect you to be on time after this, as you learn to navigate your way around school. After this, if you are late to a lesson, the teacher will put a late mark in the register and an accumulation of these will lead to a late detention; individual teachers may also give sanctions.
Is secondary school fun?
Yes! There will undoubtedly be some fun times meeting new friends, discovering new subjects and trying out different activities.
What sports teams are there for Year 7?
There is a whole range of sport on offer. In the winter months there are football and rugby at Priest Hill, as well as table tennis, basketball and badminton in the Sports Hall. In the Spring and Summer terms we change to athletics, cricket and softball.
Where do I go if I feel unwell during the day?
If you feel unwell during a lesson, you need to inform your teacher, who will give you permission to go to the medical room, found at Student Reception. If you are unwell at break and lunch you should go straight to Student Reception.
Is the food in the canteen good?
Yes! There is a range of tasty options at break, lunchtime and after school.
Is it hard to keep organised?
No - make sure you have a spare copy of your timetable at home and pack your bag the night before to make sure you have everything you need. Also when and where possible, it is best to do your homework on the night it is set, so you do not allow too much work to mount up.
How long is break and lunchtime?
Morning break is 20 minutes and lunchtime is 40 minutes.