First Half term
I think that if you work in a school the year seems to pass particularly quickly. And so, somehow, we have already arrived at the end of the first half term and in just over a week's time, our Year 11s embark on their first set of pre-public exams. It has been such a busy half term in which the new Year 7s and 12s have successfully integrated into our school community. There has, of course, been much learning taking place and a wide variety of extra-curricular events, giving the Heads of Year much to celebrate in their year group assemblies this week.
Whilst assessments, marks and grades are so important we know there is also much more to school life than this. And nothing is more enjoyable than walking around our school finding so many examples of daily success and brilliance.
In the LRC, we continue to celebrate Black History Month, with over 40 students taking part in the Black History reading challenge; the results of which will be announced after half term. The Accelerated Reader board (in the photo); never before so full of Year 7, 8 and 9 stars, representing students who, after reading a book, have scored 100% on a follow-up quiz. Last week it was excellent to speak to Year 11 students about how they are managing their revision at home in preparation for their exams, and it was a privilege to go to the Art Department today to see our Year 10 artists working on their clay sculptures.
These constant opportunities for success across our school enable us to challenge our students to be the best they can.
I hope that students and families have a fantastic half term break! We look forward to welcoming students back to school on Monday 4 November.
Ms M Thompsett, Assistant Headteacher