Glyn School Careers Fair - Please can you support?
We would like to invite Parents, Carers, Family Members or the Local Community to participate in our forthcoming Careers Fair to support our students in thinking about next steps from Careers, Apprenticeships to University.
Since Covid-19 we have found that there has been a significant reduction in the number of occasions for our students to have face to face encounters with employers both locally and nationally and we are appealing to both local and national employers as well as education providers and those who offer apprenticeship opportunities to support our careers fair.
All students from Years 7 to 13 will attend the fair as it is a fantastic opportunity to access information about different career paths and educational options. The timings for the event are:
Date: Thursday 7 March 2024
Set up and preparation from: 8.00am
Open to students: 9.00am
Finish approximately: 1.20pm
Please can you let us know in the first instance by emailing Ms Jones at or by completing this Google Form if you are able to attend this fantastic event and are able to host a Careers stand.
Refreshments and pastries will be provided, please indicate on the google form if you have any dietary requirements. In the past stall holders have provided literature and promotional material for students to support students' engagement and education and this has worked well.
We hope you will be able to support us and look forward to hearing from you.