Glyn Values Enacted
Mrs Riley has written, Arthur P (11A) was kind (as always), in particular this week he was generous lending his Chromebook charger to multiple students in his French class to support them with revision, as well as helping another classmate review their revision.
Zaroon Z (7T) continues to demonstrate consistently all school values, in particular this week his respect for other students and care for his school environment has been noted. Well done Zaroon!
Charlie T (9D) well done for your actions on Thursday lunchtime, a real demonstration of integrity - looking out for your friend who had lost his water bottle on South-Walk, your care and consideration for others is admirable.
Breyanna M (13M) I am so proud of you for the endeavour that you are showing in your A Level studies at a really tough point in Year 13! Your hard work, consistent seeking of feedback and enactment of improvements is really impressive - keep it up... Total Superstar!
Mrs E Pearson, Assistant Headteacher