Surrey University - MFL
Valuable Visit from Surrey University Students for Years 11, 12 and 13 MFL Students
On Monday, the MFL department were delighted to welcome Olivia Blackbourn and Cassina Subero from Surrey University. Olivia and Cassina are both in their final year of their Language degrees and work part-time as Student Ambassadors for the university. They delivered a professional and informative presentation to Years 11, 12 and 13 MFL students, explaining the benefits of studying Languages at university and talked about the various career paths that languages could take them on.
Our students had plenty of follow-up questions for the Ambassadors about course choices and requirements, as well as more general questions about university life and the year abroad programme.
It was a pleasure to welcome Olivia and Cassina to Glyn School and to gain their invaluable insight and advice about studying a Languages degree.
Mrs Lucas, Deputy Head of MFL