Teenage Cancer Trust
Merton and Carew Houses Charity Week - Teenage Cancer Trust
I am delighted to let you know that Merton and Carew Houses Charity Week will be taking place from Monday 6 to Friday 10 December.
The students in both Houses were canvassed about which charity to support and they chose Teenage Cancer Trust, a charity that provides world-class cancer services for young people in the UK. You can read more about the charity via the following link: Teenage Cancer Trust
Whilst our primary aim is to raise funds for charity, we are planning a fun-packed week of activities and events for the whole school to get involved in and enjoy; a list of events will be announced in next week’s Glyn Newsletter, so do watch this space!
In the meantime, if any Parents or Carers are able to donate small prizes, or cakes nearer the time, to help us with fundraising, please email me via a.thompson@glynschool.org.
Miss A Thompson, Merton House Leader