Online Safety
With the majority of young people now learning from home, they will be spending more time online doing their school work, playing games or socialising. Technology is hugely valuable for education, as well as a way to keep in touch with friends and family. However, it is important we all consider how we can help to keep young people safer online during lockdown. Here is some information about what your child may enjoy online and what you can do to help to keep them safe:
Online Gaming
Online games are social activities, and most have features that allow young people to chat with others whilst they play.
For information about the positives of gaming, the risks of ‘in-game chat’ and measures you can take to help protect your child, watch this short video: In-game chat: a guide for Parents and Carers
Sharing Images and Videos
Young people often share images or ‘selfies’ and there is potential for some of those to be nude or nearly nude images. Young people share ‘nudes’ for a number of reasons, and some situations are more risky than others.
For information about the contexts in which images are shared and how best to respond, take a look at nude selfies: a Parents’ and Carers' guide.
More information?
Thinkuknow is the education programme from the National Crime Agency’s Child Protection Command CEOP (NCA-CEOP). Their aim is to protect children and young people from sexual abuse online.
For more information, advice and guidance, visit their Parents' and Carers' website and download their home activity worksheets for fun, online safety activities to do with your family.
Steps you can take to help keep your child safer online:
Have an ongoing conversation: continue to talk about the Apps, games and sites they like to use, and what they like and don’t like, and any concerns about being online. Discuss with them when to unfollow, block or report. For help starting this conversation, read having a conversation with your child.
Make sure they know where to go for support: Remind your child that they can always speak to you or an adult they trust if anything happens online that makes them feel worried or upset. Remind them that they will not be in trouble at that you are there to help. For a breakdown of report services, visit:
Supporting your child with reporting unwanted content online
Make sure they know about NCA-CEOP: Young people can report a concern about grooming or sexual abuse to NCA-CEOP at and get support from a specialist Child Protection Advisor.