Glyn Values Enacted
Jacob M (12SB) has been nominated by Mr MacGregor for his incredible endeavour. Mr MacGregor notes 'Jacob has done an excellent job last term as captain of the Glyn Robotics team. He has supported students in all year groups and is an excellent role model.' Well done Jacob for being such a positive role model.
Jasmine W (12B) has been highlighted for her exceptional and consistent kindness. 'Jasmine supports students in the lower school in our Reading Programme: Liberate. Her tremendous kindness towards the students is wonderful to witness and the positive impact that this has on others.' We see the huge positive impact that you are having Jasmine - keep it up!
Sammy H (10T) has been praised by Miss Hopton for his integrity; 'Sammy demonstrates, excellent behaviour in and outside of the class, Always giving his best. Sammy's positive attitude and genuine positive approach to all things is great to witness. Sammy demonstrates integrity in all aspects of Glyn life.'
Terry B (8B) has been commended by Mrs Cooke for the respect that he has shown other students in Lego club - its lovely to see students interacting with each other in such mutually respectful ways and Terry models this behaviour consistently' well done Terry... You are a STAR!!!
Mrs Pearson, Assistant Headteacher