Swanage - Geographers
Our Year 12 Geographers were away in Swanage last weekend as part of their A Level coursework and fieldwork requirements. Leeson House Field Study Centre just outside Swanage hosted us, led once again by the 'oracle of all things Purbeck', Matt Smith. All the students had a positive approach to their fieldwork and data collection for their Non-Examined Assessments (NEA) and the (largely) sunshine-filled days were full of learning about the geography of the local area and putting theory from the classroom into action. Beach profiles were taken, groynes were measured, infiltration was timed, drainpipes were malleted into the ground, clinometres were peered through, traffic was counted, the environmental quality was surveyed, and questionnaires were asked (winner for the oldest respondent of 102!. We’re looking forward to next year, already.
Dr Bhasin, Mr Dinnage and Mrs Ryell