Accelerated Reader Success
Word Millionaires - Mrs Woolridge and Miss Phillips would like to celebrate the successful Word Millionaires of Term 1 - WOW! It is great to see so many, so soon! Well done to the following students: Nirushan 9T, Owen 7A, Rami 7A, Alex 7A, Oliver 8C, Sam 8SB and Josh 7O.
Top Classes - Every year, at the end of each term, we celebrate the highest average in quizzing and participation across the Year groups. The top class in each Year group received a miniature party with snacks to celebrate their engagement with the Accelerated Reader programme. Well done to all classes, but a particular well done to the following: 7 Carew - with Miss Picken, 8 Oaks - with Miss Turnbull and 9CH - with Miss Phillips.
Well done to all students and have a lovely break.
Mrs Woolridge and Miss Phillips