GLF Schools

GLF Schools

GLF Schools was founded in 2012 in order to enable the federation of Glyn School (an academy in 2011) and Danetree Junior School. Together, we began our journey to become a MAT of more than 1000 talented staff working with over 10,000 children in 40 schools across 5 regions in southern England.

Our Schools

Banbury Region

Banstead Region

Berkshire & Hampshire Region

Caterham Region

Crawley Region

Didcot Region

Epsom Region

London Boroughs

Redhill Region

Sunbury & Camberley Region

BTEC Courses

BTEC Quality Nominee and Vocational Education Lead Mr A McKay 

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Sport (360 GLH)

Pearson BTEC L3 National Extended Certificate in Sport (360 GLH)

Structure of the Course:

Students who study the Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Sport cover a total of four units over two years in Sixth Form. 

Students have two externally moderated pieces of coursework and two externally assessed examination units.

Year 12

Half Term 1 to 5

Unit 1: Anatomy & Physiology (120 GLH), Mandatory Unit

Assessed: 1.5 hr external exam 


Students develop an in-depth knowledge of the structures and functions of each of the 5 key body systems and discover how each of these play a vital role in the performance of both untrained and elite athletes. Students then look at how lifestyle factors influence sporting performance and the immediate and long term adaptations of exercise and training has on each of these systems. This provides a base knowledge for future physiological units such as fitness training and programming and sports injury management.

As this is a mandatory unit that is double weighted students spend the year learning and preparing for their externally set 1.5 hour exam which they sit in the May exam window.

Unit 7: Practical Sports Performance (60 GLH), Optional Unit

Assessed: 2 Internal Coursework Assignments


This unit gives students the opportunity to improve their own knowledge and practical ability in a selection of individual and team sports. Students develop their own practical performance in selected sports, focusing on the application of skills, techniques and tactics and reflecting on your performance. This unit develops skills which help learners improve practical performance no matter what level of ability and can lead to a number of career pathways. Gaining all-round knowledge of practical sports performance will also help progression to roles as a sports leader, coach, sports instructor or physical education teacher through further study.

Year 13

Half Term 1 to 5

Unit 2: Fitness Training and Programming for Health, Sport & Wellbeing (120 GLH), Mandatory Unit

Assessed: 2.5 hr external set task


As well as developing their anatomical knowledge of the body, students explore client screening and lifestyle assessment, fitness training methods and fitness programming to support improvements in a client’s health and well-being. This unit develops students' analytical skills through the interpretation of different clients' lifestyle factors before designing and recommending appropriate lifestyle modifications to improve their overall physical and mental health.

As this is also a mandatory unit that is double weighted students spend the year learning and preparing for their externally set 2.5 hour set task which they sit in the May exam window. As this is a set task students are given a pre-release 2 weeks prior to the assessment regarding the case study. They have 6 hours of prep time under supervised conditions in which to prepare notes ( 4 sides A4) which they will take into the assessment.

Unit 3: Professional Development in the Sports Industry (60 GLH), Mandatory Unit

Assessed: 2 Internal Coursework Assignments


Students explore the knowledge and skills required for different career pathways in the sports industry. They take part in, and reflect on, a personal skills audit, career action plan and practical interview assessment activities. This unit is highly useful to students as it prepares them for progression to a career in the sports industry either directly or through higher education, by developing an understanding of investigation, career planning and awareness of the skills and qualities that sports employers look for in a potential employee.


Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Uniformed Protective Services (360 GLH)

Pearson BTEC L3 National Extended Certificate in Uniformed Protective Services (360 GLH)

Structure of the coure:

Students who study the Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Uniformed Protective Services cover a total of four units over two years in Sixth Form. 

  • In Year 12 students complete two units, after which they are awarded the Certificate qualification, which is equivalent to half an A level. 

  • In Year 13 students complete a further two units and are then awarded the Extended Certificate qualification, which is equivalent to one A level.

Year 12

Half Term 1 to 5

Unit 2: Behaviour & Discipline in the Uniformed Protective Services (120 GLH), Mandatory Unit

Assessed: 2 hr external exam


In this unit students examine a range of psychological theories that underpin behaviour and how they are applied in the uniformed protective services. Students explore how authority is used to benefit both the individual and society, based on key types of authority in the public sector, making connections between theory and practice. This unit supports progression to higher-education courses that focus on behavioural dynamics, organisation and behaviour in the public sector and investigative psychology in public service, and to degree programmes specifically related to the uniformed protective services, such as policing, fire and rescue or offender management. Coupled with further study the skills and knowledge you develop in this unit will help you to progress in your career in the uniformed protective services.

Unit 15: Police Powers & the Law (60 GLH), Optional Unit

Assessed: 2 Internal Coursework Assignments


In this unit students develop an understanding of the criminal justice system. Students look at the criminal trial process and examine the procedures that must be followed before the trial and during the trial itself. Students explore the legal framework within which the police must work when searching, arresting, detaining and interviewing individuals, including how the rights of the individual are safeguarded. This unit helps students to progress to higher education courses associated with the uniformed protective services and related disciplines, such as degrees in law, criminology and police and criminal investigation. The knowledge and skills developed in this unit will help students to progress to a variety of employment or apprenticeship opportunities that focus on policing. 

Year 13 

Unit 5: Teamwork, Leadership and Communication in the Uniformed Protective Services (120 GLH), Mandatory Unit

Assessed: 2.5 hr external set task


In this unit students learn about leadership, investigating the different styles of leadership and how they are best used in the uniformed protective services. Students learn how to be an effective team member while developing leadership skills and will have the opportunity to apply these skills in different situations. Students also gain an understanding of the different types of communication systems used by the uniformed protective services, and the importance of clear communication, together with learning how these systems have enabled the services to become more efficient.

Unit 19: Professional Development in the Uniformed Protective Services (60 GLH), Optional Unit

Assessed: 2 Internal Coursework Assignments


In this unit students research the different possible careers and the associated job roles in the protective services. As students move through the unit, they have the opportunity to analyse their own skills and identify how to develop them into a career through the use of a career plan, researching their chosen career to understand how to access and progress within it. The unit also allows students to take part in application and interview assessment activities for a selected career pathway, drawing on knowledge and skills from across the qualification to identify their own strengths and gaps in knowledge and skills.

This unit is highly useful to students as it prepares them for progression to a career in the uniformed protective services by developing an understanding of investigation, career planning and awareness of the skills and qualities that uniformed protective services employers look for in a potential employee.

Pearson BTEC Level 2 First Award in Sport

Pearson BTEC Level 2 First Award in Sport

Why Study This Subject?

This BTEC Level 2 qualification in Sport provides an engaging and stimulating introduction to the sports industry. The courses encourage personal development through practical participation and performance in a range of sports and exercise activities. This course will give students an understanding and appreciation of the human body and the development of health-related and sport specific fitness. It encourages students to develop their communication and leadership skills through sport and provide underpinning knowledge and skills for employment in the sports industry or progression onto sport specific courses Post-16.

Is BTEC Sport Right for Me? 

This course is suited to students who:

  1. Participate regularly in sport
  2. Enjoy working independently and working on a computer
  3. Are confident in leading sports activities with their peers or younger students
  4. Have an interest in sports related topics such as fitness training, sports leadership, anatomy & physiology and sports injuries
  5. Read about and watch a variety of sports regularly
  6. Are interested in following the BTEC PE pathway into the sixth form
  7. Are interested in a career in the sports industry

Year 9 Sequence of Lessons

Our students will now have selected either GCSE PE or BTEC First Award in Sport. Our sole focus on this academic year is enriching our students passion for our subject, whilst developing the core skills they will require to be successful GCSE sport students.

Half Term 1

Our students complete a project on ‘The Olympic Games’. The project focuses on the below topics, looking to bring together a wide range of academic and practical skills that will prepare them for success in our GCSE sports options.

Researching and referencing; using technology for learning; revision techniques and summative assessment; extended answer writing; practical performance; player profiling; written performance analysis; and responding to feedback.

Half Term 2 and Term 3

Throughout these terms our students look to transfer their newly-learnt classroom based skills to relevant, topical sporting case studies. They are encouraged to debate and collaborate as teams, whilst developing their knowledge of the sporting world.

Practically, our students are introduced to a carousel of GCSE/BTEC sports options, a selection of which they will be assessed in at the end of their Key Stage 4 PE journey.

Year 10 and Year 11 BTEC Sport Sequence of lessons

With this course varying from the GCSE PE course, the students are required to complete 4 individual units of work over the two year period. Those units can vary in time for completion and are outlined below:

Mandatory units:

Unit 1: Fitness for Sport and Exercise - knowledge that underpins learning in other units in the qualification.

Unit 2: Practical Performance in Sport - practical and vocational skills

Unit 3: Applying the Principles of Personal Training - synoptic knowledge, understanding and practical vocational skills. 

Optional Unit:

Unit 4: The Mind and Sports Performance, learners look at the concepts that influence the mind in sporting situations and explore the effects that they can have on sports performance.

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Information Technology (360 GLH)

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Information Technology (360 GLH)

Structure of the Course:

Students who study the Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Sport cover a total of four units over two years in Sixth Form. 

Students have two externally moderated pieces of coursework and two externally assessed examination units

Year 12

Half Term 1 to 5

Unit 1: Information Technology Systems (120 GLH), Mandatory unit 

Assessed: Externally assessed 2 hour examination


IT systems are involved in almost everything we do in our society and have a significant role in our everyday life. Having a good understanding of how to effectively select and use appropriate IT systems for both personal and business use will put you in a strong position when considering higher education or getting a job in the IT industry. This unit will give you a fundamental and synoptic understanding of all areas of IT, which will support progression in an IT industry or higher education. 

Unit 2: Creating Systems to Manage Information (90 GLH), Mandatory unit 

Assessed: 2 Externally assessed 5 hour examination


This unit will bring you skills and knowledge in creating databases. Information Technology is all about managing and manipulating information. Database software applications are widely used to support business processes such as search engines and online shopping. You will examine the structure of data and its origins, and how an efficient data design follows through to an effective and useful database. You will examine a given scenario and develop an effective design solution to produce a database system. You will then test your solution to ensure that it works correctly. Finally, you will evaluate each stage of the development process and the effectiveness of your database solution. To complete the assessment tasks within this unit, you will need to draw on your learning from across your programme. The skills you gain in this unit support progression to IT-related higher education courses and to employment in a role that requires computing-related expertise.

Year 13 

Half Term 1 to 5

Unit 3: Using Social Media in Business (90 GLH), Mandatory Unit

Assessed: 2 Internal Coursework Assignments


Social Media is one of the biggest phenomena of the internet age. Its immense popularity has provided a new way for individuals, businesses and other groups to communicate with each other. This unit gives the student an opportunity to explore different social media websites and consider ways in which businesses can use this to their advantage. Understanding how to use social media for business purposes is useful for employment in information technology and in a variety of business sectors. Also, social media skills are closely linked with web and mobile applications development. This unit gives you a starting point for progression to roles such as social media specialist, content developer and web developer.

Unit 6: Website Development (60 GLH), Optional Unit

Assessed: 2 Internal Coursework Assignments


The internet has grown and developed so much within the last decade, enabling new ways of communicating and sharing information. It has transformed the way in which people use information Technology. In this unit, students have the opportunity to evaluate the principles of website design and go on to plan, and create their own website for a given purpose and to meet client requirements. 


BTEC Business

Structure of the Course

Students will be studying the Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Business, which covers a total of four units across the two years of Sixth Form. The course units are a split of two externally moderated assessments and two internally moderated pieces of coursework.

Year 12

Half Term 1 to 4

Unit 1: Exploring Business

Assessed: three pieces of coursework, internally moderated & marked

In this unit, the learner will gain an overview of the key ingredients for business success, how businesses are organised, how they communicate, the characteristics of the environment in which they operate, and how this shapes them and their activities. They will also look at the importance of innovation and enterprise to the success and survival of businesses, with the associated risks and benefits. The learning aims to be covered are:

  • A - Explore the features of different businesses and analyse what makes them successful
  • B - Investigate how businesses are organised
  • C - Examine the environment in which businesses operate
  • D - Examine business markets
  • E - Investigate the role and contribution of innovation and enterprise to business success.

Students will be required to complete three pieces of coursework which apply the topic knowledge to real business contexts.

Half Term 4 to 5

Unit 2: Developing a Marketing Campaign

Assessed: 1 externally assessed piece of coursework under exam conditions

The learner will examine the marketing aims and objectives for existing products/services and understand the importance of relevant, valid and appropriate research in relation to customers’ needs and wants. They will use given market research data and other information to make recommendations about the type of marketing campaign that a business should undertake. To complete the assessment task within this unit, the student will need to draw on their learning from across your programme.

This unit will give the learner an insight into how important marketing is to business. It will enable them to make an informed choice as to whether they want to specialise in marketing in employment, training or higher education.

The assessment will take the following format:

  • This unit is assessed under supervised conditions. Part A is released two weeks before Part B is scheduled for learners to carry out research. Learners will take Part B in a supervised assessment in a single three-hour session timetabled by Pearson. The assessment is set and marked by Pearson.
  • Total marks: 70 marks.

Year 13

Half Term 1 to 2

Unit 3: Personal and Business Finance

Assessed: 1 written examination, marked and moderated by external exam board

This unit includes aspects of both personal and business finance. Personal finance involves the understanding of why money is important and how managing money can help prevent future financial difficulties. It is vital that students understand the financial decisions they will need to take throughout their life and how risk can affect their choices. This unit will also give the learner an insight into where they can get financial advice and support.

The business finance aspects of the unit introduce the learner to accounting terminology, the purpose and importance of business accounts and the different sources of finance available to businesses. Planning tools, such as cash flow forecasts and break-even, will be prepared and analysed. Measuring the financial performance of a business will require the student to prepare and analyse statements of comprehensive income and statements of financial position.

This unit will provide a foundation for a number of other finance and business units and will help them to analyse profitability, liquidity and business efficiency. It will give knowledge and understanding to manage their personal finances and will give a background to business finance and accounting as they progress to employment or further training.

The assessment will take the following format:

  • This unit is assessed by a written examination set by Pearson.
  • The examination will be two hours in length.
  • The number of marks for the examination is 80. (Section A contains questions on the personal finance unit content and approximately one-third of the marks, and Section B contains questions on the business finance unit content and approximately two-thirds of the marks).

Half Terms 3 to 5

Unit 22: Market Research

Assessed: two pieces of coursework, internally moderated & marked

This unit will develop the learner’s research skills and their understanding of the role marketing information plays in identifying and satisfying customers’ needs.

In this unit, the student will examine the purpose and type of market research undertaken in a business, consider the objectives of the research and the processes followed. They will plan and undertake a research activity using the most appropriate design and sampling method. They will analyse and interpret market research data and present their findings. The learner will use this knowledge to make recommendations for improvements to the market research process for a selected business.

This unit will give an insight into the importance of collecting and interpreting marketing information as a tool for making wider marketing decisions, and enable them to make an informed choice on the suitability of this marketing area as a possible employment or training opportunity. The learning aims to be covered are:

  • A - Examine the types of market research used in business
  • B - Plan and implement a market research activity to meet a specific marketing objective
  • C - Analyse and present market research findings and recommend process improvements.

Students will be required to complete two pieces of coursework which apply the topic knowledge