Year 10 continues to develop and deepen the skills taught in year 9 so that students are prepared for the practical assessment tasks that commence at the end of year 10.
Across each of the trade areas the students are challenged to extend their skills whilst reusing and deepening their knowledge of the tools and equipment in larger construction projects. This will develop their practical skills ready to tackle the scenario based assessments set by the examination board in May of Year 10.
Students continue to complete the Construction paperwork that accompanies real world construction work and is part of the final assessment.
The course also covers a wide range of construction theory knowledge and this will also be covered this year extensively
Half Term 1 - Carpentry and construction theory
Students complete a complex carpentry project that brings together the skills and knowledge developed in year 9. Constructing a small scale drywall, hanging a door with mortice lock and completing all stops and trims will challenge students planning and practical skills.
Half Term 2 - Carpentry and construction theory
Students complete the carpentry skills door frame and all associated paperwork
The students evaluate their door frame against the drawings and the success criteria.
Half Term 3 - Plumbing and construction theory
The students respond to a plumbing scenario and complete a full scale basin plumbing installation of hot and cold feed, taps, waste and basin fittings. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the different fitting types, their advantages and disadvantages etc and how to assemble the system fully.
Students extend construction paperwork skills including costings and complete a full evaluation of the work.
Students continue to study the construction theory
Half Term 4 - Plumbing and construction theory
Students complete their plumbing project and learn how to produce paperwork to pricing and costing the job - looking for suppliers and working out quantities.
Half Term 5 - Review of prior learning and revising practical skills
Students have the opportunity to revisit practical areas to review and revise prior learning and practise their skills in preparation for their practical assessment.
Half Term 6 - Practical assessment
Students commence their final practical assessment by responding to scenarios, set by the exam board, in each of the trade areas studied during the course.
Each scenario must be constructed and accompanied by appropriate paperwork including success criteria, costings, method statement, risk assessments and evaluation.
Year 11 continues the exam board practical assessment and associated paperwork to enable students to complete this part of the course in time for final preparations for the end of course examination in the summer of year 11.
Half Term 1 - Practical assessment
Students continue with the practical assessment and associated paperwork.
Revision of theory topics from Year 10 is undertaken during this term.
Half Term 2 - Practical assessment and final paperwork preparation
Students complete the assessment and ensure that they have responded to all of the criteria ready for final submission
Half Term 3 - Exam Preparation
Students continue to study the construction theory and look at past paper questions
Half Term 4 - Exam Preparation
Students continue to study the theory aspects of the course and complete all theory areas.
Half Term 5 - Exam preparation
Students continue to study the theory aspects of the course and tackle past papers in preparation for the final examination. Students have the opportunity to guide the revision lessons as final preparations are completed.