Food Technology Review
Wow! What a term it has been.
Firstly, I would like to say a huge thank you to the Glyn PSA for their support this year. Not only have we been able to purchase a brand-new set of vegetable knives for all students to use during practical lessons, but we now have a subscription for an online nutrition programme which will be of great benefit to Key Stage 4 students. Year 10 students used the new knives as part of their three-hour PPE practicals, and a number of Key Stage 3 students used them when they made Spaghetti Bolognese and pizza. With thanks to the Glyn PSA, these new resources will make a huge difference to our students' learning and progression with GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition.
Below are a number of photos showcasing dishes recently made by students, including dishes produced during recent PPE practicals; students made in excess of 100 dishes over five days, showcasing their practical skills.
As we near the end of this academic year, I would to thank all students studying Food Technology for their hard work and determination with their studies. I am so proud of all your efforts this year; well done!
Miss West, Head of Food Technology